584 Challenges of Re-entry for the Criminal Justice Population

Registration Open The Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England , funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) at Brown University Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies, is offering a credited, on-line course on challenges of re-entry for the criminal justice population. What happens once…

Course Description 49

Speed Still Kills – The Growing Methamphetamine ProblemKevin R. Scheel, MS, MAC, LMFT Course Description: The 1960’s have often been viewed as a decade of widespread drug problems across the United States. One of the most popular drugs of that era was methamphetamine, “the poor man’s cocaine.” While the problems of this drug never actually…

539 Addressing Tobacco Use and Dependence in Addiction and Behavioral Health Services

Registration Open The Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) in colaboration with the Brown University Distance Learning Program, is offering a credited, on-line course on addressing tobacco use and dependence . The National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP)…

538 Developing Culturally Competent Recovery Plans – Person-Centered Planning Using the Recovery Model

Registration Open The Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) in colaboration with the Brown University Distance Learning Program, is offering a credited, on-line course on developing culturally competent recovery plans. If a monitor came to do a…

Dual Diagnosed Treatment A M.A.P. to Recovery

Registration Open Brown University Distance Learning Program is offering a credited, on-line course on dual diagnosed treatment a M.A.P. to recovery. This workshop, which is part one of a two part series, will introduce and/or expand the clinician’s knowledge of specific treatment approaches representing “Integrated Treatment” for persons suffering with emotional and addictive disorders. We…

467 Dual Diagnosed Treatment: A MAP to Recovery

Registration Open Brown University Distance Learning Program is offering a credited, on-line course on dual diagnosed treatment. This workshop, which is part one of a two part series, will introduce and/or expand the clinician’s knowledge of specific treatment approaches representing “Integrated Treatment” for persons suffering with emotional and addictive disorders. We will explore key factors…

Course Description 47

Recovery Community OrganizationsJames Wuelfing, BA, CPP, NRPP Course Description: The past twenty years in the addiction treatment arena has seen many advances in the professionalization of the field and in the use of researched-based effective practices. One of the corollary effects of this movement is that in many cases there has been a divide created…

Linking Substance Abuse and Interpersonal Violence: Implications for Effective Interventions

Registration Open Brown University Distance Learning Program and ADCARE Educational Institute, are offering a credited, on-line course on interpersonal violence. Assuming a basic understanding of addictions theory and intervention, the course will focus on a review of theoretical models of interpersonal violence and their related interventions. A review of current research linking the two major…

Faculty 11

Marc Bono PsyD Dr. Marc Bono, PsyD, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of California. He was awarded a Doctorate in Psychology with an emphasis in Addictions Counseling from United States International University in San Diego, CA. Dr. Bono has been specializing in addiction treatment for over ten years and has a broad…

Course Description 43

Pregnancy, Substance Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisordersEnid Watson, M.Div. Course Description: No one likes to think that the hand that rocks the cradle is shaky. As a result, pregnant women with substance use disorders often experience stigma: from families, child welfare and medical staff, and even addictions professionals. Some women do not learn that…